Sunday, August 14, 2011


It had been typical day. As a stupid housewife, I had almost completed my daily regimen, and was cooking getting ready to cook dinner for my not so new husband, Carter. The two of us had been married for only a year, but it had felt like eternity. We were so young- him 24 and myself a young, 20 year old girl. Everyday, I regretted hopping into marriage with a boy I had only known for 3 months- not to mention a boy 4 years older. Age didn't matter to me. The "love" was all that seemed to be the important role.

I heard the front door slam open, and instantly feared the worst. Oh no. He was mad about something.

I retraced my steps in my head as I cowered to the corner of the countertops, scanning my mind of previous actions of mine for anything that could've potentially pissed him off.

"Selena!" He yelled, causing me to cringe. I heard his footsteps trail into the kitchen, and he stood in front of me, taking in my cowardly posistion.

"Get the hell up." He ordered. Not wanting to piss him off anymore than he was, I instantly obeyed, and went to him.

"W-What's w-wron-" Unfortunately, I was unable to finish my sentence,and instead was flung to the other side of the kitchen.

He leaned himself on the counter, obviously preparing himself for my beating. "Some guys at work said you were cheating on me. I thought you loved me, you whore."
"Wha-" I hadn't cheated on him! Sure, I'd hugged a few of his fellow collegues at office parties, but they were just innocent friendly hugs nothing more. "I didn't cheat, Carter! I would never do something like that to you!"

Before I knew it, he had me by the waist, and pushed me up against the oven and into the stovetop, which unfortunately had been warming up in preperation for dinner.
I screamed out in pain, as I felt the heat through my thin shirt. "Son of a bitch!" I gasped out, instantly regretting it.

He realeased me from between him and the stove, and threw me to the side. I rested my head on the cabinets, my singed back aching horribly. "P-Please... Please stop..."

"You skank. You filthy slut."

I found the strength to stand up and stick my hand out.

"Stop this, Carter! I... love you! I would never have another man!" All of this was was semi-lies, but you do what you have to do.

Of course, the pompous man refused to listened, and only pushed me aside, and I landed back where I had originally cowered. I leaned my head again the counter and put a hand on my back, trying to soothe my burns.
I collapsed in the corner, letting out small sobs. "C-C-Carter..."

He walked over and looked down at me, anger still in his eyes.

"Look at you, you little pathetic whore. What did I ever see in you?"
"I-I-I-I l-love y-you..."
"Go die, Selena."

He walked out of the kitchen and into the living room, where I heard his footsteps travels up the oak staircase.

I let out violent sobs.
Carter Mason. My once true love.
I shouldn't have hopped into a marriage with him. It was simply the general stupidity of youth, and being blind with love that controlled me.
But being aware now and no longer blind, I found myself facing His True Colors.

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